Photo by Michelle Smith-Lewis
Everyday Embodied Living:
A workshop in simple practices to live truly, inhabiting our bodily selves, this planet and the Greater Being that is us!
Saturday, April 1st, 2023
1 - 4 pm PST
For any questions please email:
To learn more about Karin see below.
Photo: Michelle Smith-Lewis
Moving Towards the Light:
A Workshop in The Art & Practice of Movement
We are beginning the inner process of emerging from the depths of darkness, reflected in the seasonal shift from winter towards spring. What are the old patterns we surrender, to compost in the “patient rot of winter,” to nourish our bodily and spiritual be/com/ing as we “rise again in Spring’s green fountains” (Ursula Le Guin)? Healthy seeds, from the harvest of the year before, fell into the earth, waiting for renewal. What fear do we hold in the dark unknown of our lives and how do we move for trust in the unfolding? Buds and bulbs of perennial wisdom remind us that there is emergence taking shape in the dark, reminding us that the Light draws our flourishing forth. What resources rooted in the healthy dark can we bring with us as we move toward the light this year?
We will take the time, together, in The Art & Practice of Movement, to be in touch with our depth, rooted and listening to the still-of-the-move and the move as we rise.
The Art & Practice of Movement is for all humans interested in the healing, transformation and evolution of their physical, emotional, mental, relational and spiritual body-being and becoming. The purpose of this work is to re/connect us to our embodied selves in ecological health with expanding resilience to do our work for a reimagined better world. And it is always about leading our bodily selves back to the inner heart of being in relationship with the Greater Heart of Wholeness.
Sunday, March 5th, 2023
10 - 3:00 pm PST
$155 in person: Register HERE
$100 zoom: Email to register
Karin Stevens is a facilitator in The Art & Practice of Movement, an embodiment/somatic coach, and a spiritual healer. For nine years she has been assisting others on their own evolutionary and healing journeys through the body. With over 25 years in embodied movement and spiritual practices she brings robust wisdom and deep sensitivity to the needs of every unique session, class and workshop. As a Seattle based Choreographer, Dance Artist and Transformationalist she believes in the power of movement to bring us back into health and spiritual ecology within ourselves, with each other, and through our natural and built environments.
In spite of being a life-long vocational dancer, Karin had to learn to move in new ways to overcome her personal pain and challenges. She believes that if every individual began this same journey back into the body, each one of us will become a great force for collective healing and transformation.
Through her dance company, Karin Stevens Dance (2009-present), she creates imaginative, visionary, collaborative, immersive performer and audience experiences at the interchange of movement, art, ecology and social issues. She believes we must commune, collaborate and converse through movement, sound and ideas for a reimagined, equitable and sustainable future for all.
Her personal journey and vocational mission regarding the body, spirit and transformation owes much gratitude for the life-lessons in moving in relationship with her husband of 23 years and three powerhouse daughters (12, 15, 21 yrs).
My background, training and sources I draw from:
Dance Concepts in Time, Space and Energy
Whole Heart Connections and The 5 Elements Philosophy- Thea Elijah/Perennial Medicine
Shadhdhuliyyah Sufi Healing- Masters in Spiritual Healing 2021-2024
Hakomi Somatic Psychotherapy Certification 2023-2026
The Embody Lab- Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate 2022
Transformative Change- Embodied Social Justice Certificate 2022
Why We Dance- The philosophy of Kimerer LaMothe
Sacred Ecstatics- Bradford and Hillary Keeney
Body and Earth- Andrea Olsen
Karate- Sensei Toby Stansbury/Emerald City Karate (Brown Belt)
Yoga- 30+ years, multiple forms/teachers
B.A. Dance, University of Washington, 1999
M.F.A. Choreography and Performance, Mills College, 2005