Singular Focus
Photos: Craig van den Bosch
It is very easy to be pulled from one’s natural plumb line of purpose and gifting. There is so much outside and inside of ourselves distracting us from the truth in our own tissues. Our minds perceive and conceive these outside-inside competing forces, often pushing us off our balance, unable to fulfill our truest loving-design. How do we discern and transform and participate in OUR unique “ongoing dynamic of reflexivity and self-creation?” (LaMothe, Nietzsche’s Dancers, x).
From this singular moving focus what is purposed to be activated will take form.
To unfold in a singular focus from the eye of the heart in the Big Love Movement, we must surrender the striving eyes of our senses that are working with constriction to make sense of our world and our life’s story.
Following the eye of my heart in new directions in The Art & Practice of Movement, I took classes for a year from Amy Weaver (pictured above in purple and red) in Gyrotonics, a movement practice form. (I highly recommend it for anyone seeking to rediscover true structural alignment, physical healing after injury and a sense of an expanding being.) During one class, she spoke words of movement and metaphor for living: “We must surrender the improper use of some muscles in order for the purposed ones to activate.”
Singular focus in the heart of the Big Love Movement and turning toward the movement our body-love desires will increase in us the wisdom to make new movements to surrender what we don’t need that taxes our energy, knocks us out of balance and depresses our spirits. From this singular moving focus what is purposed to be activated will take form.
Photos from “A Boy Was Born”